Rebranding Leipzig
BA Student
Daniel Schreck
Bachelor Thesis
Leipzig is the most populous city in the German federal state of Saxony with 600.000 inhabitants as of 2019 with a potential to increase in the future. The current corporate design of the city administration has been in use since 2005 and feels outdated. After visiting Leipzig and conducting interviews with the city administration as well as inhabitants, my approach for the redesign was to create a welcoming, open, natural, competent, flexible and holistic brand which should be understood as a brand for the citizens.
Explanation of the flexible design system.
Copyright Notice: Music by Scott Holmes (Stomps and Claps) is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Theoretical Part of the thesis: ⇒Stadt + Wappen
Also check: ⇒Daniel Schreck on Behance
Rebranding Leipzig
BA Student
Daniel Schreck
Bachelor Thesis
Leipzig is the most populous city in the German federal state of Saxony with 600.000 inhabitants as of 2019 with a potential to increase in the future. The current corporate design of the city administration has been in use since 2005 and feels outdated. After visiting Leipzig and conducting interviews with the city administration as well as inhabitants, my approach for the redesign was to create a welcoming, open, natural, competent, flexible and holistic brand which should be understood as a brand for the citizens.
Explanation of the flexible design system.
Copyright Notice: Music by Scott Holmes (Stomps and Claps) is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Theoretical Part of the thesis: ⇒Stadt + Wappen
Also check: ⇒Daniel Schreck on Behance